Sunday, May 17, 2009

bandwagon's full. please, catch another.

It's a good thing I don't believe in ghosts. 

Currently, I am sitting in the lobby of Randolph doing my thing as a desk worker--which means setting up shop on the couch, turning the t.v. on, and roaming the intranets, and, yes, I do get paid for this. Jealous? You should be. The point is and I promise, I always have a point; even though it may not seem that way. If you've ever held a conversation with me, you would know I change subjects as often as Angelina Jolie is pregnant. But I digress. 

The point is: Randolph is said to be haunted. I would almost have to agree because I used to live here, and I would always here what sounded like furniture being moved around upstairs. The problem with that was I lived on the second floor and above me was the attic. No one was ever up there. Fortunately, I do not believe in ghosts; especially feng shui savvy ghosts. Let me remind you why this is a good thing: I am sitting in this dorm by myself at the moment. People are supposed to be living here, but its pretty stinking quiet. And if seeing is believing and I haven't seen these people, then I don't believe they're here. So I'm going with the theory I'm alone. 

However, my nonexistent fear of ghosts is not what I wanted to talk about today, so on to what I really wanted to rant about.

I have this ongoing complex about trends and conformity. I also have this ongoing problem of what I like to call anti-conformity. Basically meaning, I don't just not hop on the bandwagon, but I stay as far away from the bandwagon as physically possible. The problem is, sometimes this works against me. Take skinny jeans for instance. Oh[em]gee. I refused to even think about skinny jeans because they were the latest fad, but one day I broke down and bought and pair and it was love at first wearing. The same thing goes for a couple of songs and gladiator sandals and you get the idea. I had to come to accept that if I like something because I honestly like it, it's okay. No matter the current status of its trendiness. I've come a long way I must say. 

But, no matter how far I come, there is one thing I will never understand. The concept of putting yourself together in the morning to not look put together. It's almost as if they put on a blindfold, reached in they're closet, and threw on whatever they grabbed. It's like wardrobe russian roulette. 5 chances to get it right with 1 fatal shot of a horrible outfit. It's that one fatal shot you usually end up with, too. But I'm no fashion expert, and I never will be. But the stuff some people wear; well, I know that can't be very fashionable. To each their own though. I have my own style, and it seems to be working for me. No comment please.

Well, I've said my piece, so I'm out.

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